Nov 9, 2020 9:45:32 AM

Busy Work vs. Doing the Work

Do you feel like you're always doing... doing... doing... going... going... going...? But never getting anywhere or anything done that's meaningful? You're not alone. 

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Oct 16, 2020 3:04:51 PM

Quieting all the Noise

Why is it that the negative self-talk voice in our head is so much louder than the inner-coach voice? 

We all have a split personality in our head: the Inner Critic and the Inner Coach.

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Oct 1, 2020 9:57:42 AM

Screw THEM. You've got Dreams to Realize.

Be the Dorothy in you that finds your oilcan.

Before I launched my business, one of the biggest things holding me back was a (very loud) voice inside my head saying, But what will THEY think? It was actually quite paralyzing. I was so worried about being judged and criticized by THEM -- the message I kept hearing in my head from THEM was, Oh jeez, there's Esther, trying yet another "thing"; she'll probably quit or fail that just like everything else. 

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